AngelDown, lawful female dwarven Valkyrie 5 4 1 --------- |.......| |.......| ----- 5 |..@r...| |... |...A...| - --..--------- | 3|.......| | -- --...|.......| |. ----.---- .| ---....|.......| |...44%A15....| %.$..)-).._...| ---.4.5@..5.--- % % ---....|.......| -----%----- $ -- --...|.......| -- 4% ---|---- --..--------- - 114 4 ------- | |... 5 5 | | ----- - -- ------- - -- % | ---%---- --- | ------------ AngelDown the Woodchuck St:18/** Dx:18 Co:19 In:10 Wi:16 Ch:10 Lawful S:1012518 Astral Plane $:951 HP:2(10) Pw:35(35) AC:-7 HD:3 T:40194 Overloaded Your inventory Amulets N - an uncursed amulet of life saving named life (being worn) Weapons w - 5 blessed +1 daggers (in quiver) Comestibles e - a blessed tin of nurse meat A - an uncursed lizard corpse C - 4 uncursed lumps of royal jelly Scrolls D - an uncursed scroll of taming I - 4 blessed scrolls of blank paper Spellbooks Y - the uncursed Book of the Dead Potions b - an uncursed potion of confusion Rings c - an uncursed ring of regeneration j - an uncursed ring of free action (on right foreclaw) n - an uncursed ring of levitation R - an uncursed ring of polymorph control (on left foreclaw) Wands d - a wand of undead turning (0:4) i - a wand of death (1:2) p - a wand of cold (0:7) q - a wand of polymorph (0:5) v - a wand of teleportation (0:2) z - a cursed wand of digging (0:1) G - a wand of digging (0:3) J - a wand of wishing named wish (1:0) L - a wand of light (0:10) M - a wand of polymorph (0:6) O - a cursed wand of death named DEATH (0:4) U - a cursed wand of cold (0:5) Tools a - an uncursed skeleton key k - a blessed magic lamp (lit) l - the Orb of Fate (0:4) s - a blessed +0 unicorn horn x - a magic marker (1:23) H - the Bell of Opening (0:2) P - an uncursed towel Q - an uncursed greased bag of holding named holing T - the uncursed Candelabrum of Invocation (no candles attached) Gems F - a blessed luckstone Contents of the bag of holding named holing: 1121 gold pieces 5 +0 daggers an uncursed eucalyptus leaf 2 uncursed lumps of royal jelly an uncursed lizard corpse 2 uncursed carrots an uncursed scroll of blank paper an uncursed scroll of enchant weapon a blessed scroll of identify 2 uncursed scrolls of remove curse an uncursed scroll of identify 4 potions of holy water a cursed potion of healing an uncursed potion of healing 3 uncursed potions of full healing an uncursed potion of gain energy 2 uncursed potions of confusion a potion of unholy water a tinning kit (0:46) 2 uncursed diamonds an uncursed citrine stone Final attributes You were piously aligned Your alignment was 210 You were fire resistant You were cold resistant You were sleep resistant You were disintegration-resistant You were shock resistant You were poison resistant You saw invisible You were telepathic You were warned You were invisible to others You were stealthy You aggravated monsters You could swim You were protected You had polymorph control You were polymorphed into a woodchuck You were fast You had free action Your life would have been saved You were extremely lucky (13) You had extra luck Good luck did not time out for you You survived Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail a - light 1* divination 38% Vanquished creatures Orcus Juiblex The Wizard of Yendor (thrice) Death (twice) Pestilence a high priest a mastodon Medusa 2 iron golems 6 storm giants 3 balrogs 2 purple worms a gray dragon a silver dragon 7 red dragons 2 white dragons an orange dragon 2 black dragons a blue dragon a yellow dragon 10 minotaurs 3 jabberwocks Lord Surtur 3 baluchitheria 4 Angels a demilich Vlad the Impaler 2 stone golems 4 master mind flayers 3 Olog-hai 2 Nazguls 6 pit fiends a sandestin 3 titanotheres 2 trappers a guardian naga 2 disenchanters 16 vampire lords 2 skeletons 13 aligned priests 2 captains 6 shades 3 liches a clay golem 4 nurses 2 ice devils a nalfeshnee 3 lurkers above a frost giant 2 ettins 3 black puddings 21 vampires 5 lieutenants 14 ghosts 2 queen bees 3 winged gargoyles a mind flayer 4 giant mimics 5 zruties 27 fire giants 4 ogre kings 2 ice trolls 8 rock trolls 4 umber hulks 3 flesh golems 3 Elvenkings 3 doppelgangers 3 hezrous 10 bone devils 3 large mimics 2 wumpuses 5 fire vortices 4 long worms 10 stalkers 4 air elementals a fire elemental 4 earth elementals 5 water elementals 5 hill giants 7 giant mummies a black naga 6 xorns 13 giant zombies 4 elf-lords 3 sergeants a water demon 4 barbed devils 3 vrocks 16 wargs 2 winter wolves 2 hell hound pups 5 small mimics 2 glass piercers 6 warhorses 8 steam vortices 9 xans 5 ogre lords 8 quantum mechanics 12 trolls a sasquatch 2 wood golems 2 erinyes 4 mariliths 4 sharks 3 gelatinous cubes 2 pyrolisks 2 large dogs a freezing sphere 8 flaming spheres 3 shocking spheres 4 large cats 9 tigers a gargoyle a tengu 4 ochre jellies 4 leocrottas 3 energy vortices 4 mountain centaurs 4 stone giants 5 elf mummies 2 human mummies 2 red nagas 3 green slimes 2 pit vipers 2 pythons 5 cobras 27 wraiths 3 carnivorous apes 11 ettin zombies 3 leather golems 14 Grey-elves 61 soldiers 4 horned devils 2 succubi 3 incubi 5 chameleons a crocodile 16 giant beetles 2 quivering blobs 9 cockatrices a wolf 9 winter wolf cubs 2 lynxes 3 panthers 6 gremlins 3 spotted jellies 18 leprechauns 3 orc-captains 2 mumakil 7 giant spiders 8 scorpions 7 horses 5 black lights 6 vampire bats 7 forest centaurs a gnome king 2 orc mummies 4 dwarf mummies 2 ogres a brown pudding 7 rust monsters 7 owlbears 4 yetis 3 gold golems 7 giant eels 11 lizards 10 chickatrices 2 dogs 3 dingos a housecat 4 jaguars 2 dwarf lords 3 blue jellies a white unicorn a gray unicorn a black unicorn 8 dust vortices 3 ravens a plains centaur 8 gnome mummies 6 snakes 3 apes 9 human zombies 4 rope golems 18 Woodland-elves 19 soldier ants 65 fire ants 2 bugbears 4 imps 2 lemures 5 quasits 3 wood nymphs 4 water nymphs 8 mountain nymphs 11 Mordor orcs 20 Uruk-hai 2 orc shamans 9 rock piercers 7 rock moles 6 ponies 2 fog clouds 11 yellow lights 4 shriekers 5 violet fungi 5 gnome lords 2 gnomish wizards a kobold mummy 2 black naga hatchlings 3 guardian naga hatchlings 5 gray oozes 3 barrow wights 16 elf zombies 4 ghouls 3 straw golems 2 paper golems 3 jellyfish a baby crocodile 20 giant ants a little dog 6 floating eyes 7 kittens 5 dwarves 4 homunculi 2 kobold lords 12 hill orcs 12 rothes a rabid rat 4 centipedes 3 giant bats 2 monkeys 7 orc zombies 14 dwarf zombies 2 wererats 5 werejackals 4 iguanas 43 killer bees 5 acid blobs 6 coyotes 3 gas spores 8 hobbits 14 manes 3 large kobolds 3 hobgoblins 8 giant rats 4 cave spiders 2 brown molds 4 yellow molds 5 green molds 2 red molds 26 gnomes 16 garter snakes 9 gnome zombies 10 geckos 22 jackals 5 foxes 3 kobolds 3 goblins 5 sewer rats 12 grid bugs 4 bats 11 lichens 12 kobold zombies 11 newts 1511 creatures vanquished. Genocided or extinct species: master mind flayers liches demiliches master liches arch-liches erinyes (extinct) jellyfish piranhas sharks giant eels electric eels krakens 11 species genocided. 1 species extinct. Voluntary challenges You genocided 11 types of monsters You polymorphed 6 items You changed form 4 times You used 7 wishes You did not wish for any artifacts Your skills at the end Fighting Skills two weapon combat [Skilled] Weapon Skills dagger [Skilled] pick-axe [Skilled] long sword [Expert] Spellcasting Skills (none) Latest messages There is an amber flash as a blessed fireproof +4 pair of speed boots hits the altar. The Angel of Odin zaps you with a magic missile! The magic missile hits the Angel of Loki. The magic missile whizzes by you! The magic missile hits the high priestess of Tyr. "Mercy! Dost thou wish me to die of laughter?" The Angel of Loki swings her long sword. The Angel of Loki hits! The Angel of Loki swings her long sword. The Angel of Loki hits! The Angel of Loki hits! The air crackles around the Angel of Loki. Unknown command ' '. # What do you want to sacrifice? [tA or ?*] You offer the Amulet of Yendor to Tyr... An invisible choir sings, and you are bathed in radiance... The voice of Tyr booms: "Congratulations, mortal!" "In return for thy service, I grant thee the gift of Immortality!" You ascend to the status of Demigoddess... Farvel AngelDown the Demigoddess... You went to your reward with 2093436 points, The Orb of Fate (worth 3500 zorkmids and 8750 points) The Bell of Opening (worth 5000 zorkmids and 12500 points) The Candelabrum of Invocation (worth 5000 zorkmids and 12500 points) The Book of the Dead (worth 10000 zorkmids and 25000 points) 2 diamonds (worth 8000 zorkmids), 1 citrine stone (worth 1500 zorkmids), 1 amulet of life saving (worth 150 zorkmids), and 2072 pieces of gold, after 40194 moves. Killer: ascended You were level 16 with a maximum of 162 hit points when you ascended. No Points Name Hp [max] 1 2147483647 ctaboir-Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 2 2147483647 Zadir-Pri-Hum-Fem-Neu died on the Astral Plane. Killed by overexertion. 4140 [4140] 3 2147483647 Adeon-Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 12320 [464076] 1999 4244082 Smello-Cav-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 210 [210] 2000 4243636 beerockxs-Bar-Hum-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 208 [262] * 2093436 AngelDown-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 162 [162]